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Colleges Offering Unique Learning Opportunities in January

These colleges incorporate a one-month "interim term" between semesters, where students can earn credit for unique projects. You could travel to Ireland, work at a homeless...

Excellent Colleges In or Near Philadelphia

Pat's or Gino's? You have to take a side on the Philly cheesesteak debate if you're going to live here. Check out the great colleges in or near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Great Student Unions

These campuses have a great place for students to gather...other than off-campus parties.

Colleges With Great Archery Clubs

Does the thought of Robin Hood and his Merry Men make you want to string up a bow and arrow? Here are the schools with great programs in archery.

Colleges with a Tradition of Support for Black Student Needs

The schools on this list always have been and always will be supportive of their Black students.

Top Schools for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals, and People of Faith

This list is based on the book All-American Colleges: Top Schools for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals, and People of Faith, and is for those students who are...

Top 10 Men's Basketball Teams in Tournament Appearances

These teams take it to the big show time and time again. The number of appearances through 2006 is listed after the name of the university.

The Drool Schools: The Second-Most Selective Colleges and/or Most Unpredictable in Terms of Admission

These schools aren't impossible to gain admission to, but they're no Slacker University. Maybe you could send the admission office some cookies?

FYI, this list is...

Interesting Team Mascots

Imagine having to dress up like a Fighting Pickle—some people do! Check out these other crazy college mascots—no Eagles, Tigers, or Bulldogs here.

Colleges Graduating the Most Rhodes Scholars

Rhodes Scholars are the rock stars of academia. They are handpicked based on academic and personal excellence, and Data is from 2015's graduating class. FYI, this list is from...

Four-Year Schools in New Jersey with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Garden State accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges they're...

Florida Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Sunshine State.

Colleges and Universities With Extra-Friendly Campus Communities

Who doesn't want to feel right at home as soon as they step foot on their college campus? If you're looking for that feeling from your prospective school, you've come to the...

Liberal Arts Colleges Promoting Information Exchange

The Consortium of Liberal Arts Colleges was "chartered to explore and promote the use of information technology in the service of our liberal arts educational missions." There...

Where Female History PhDs Received Their Undergraduate Degrees

Young women considering pursuing a PhD in history can follow in the footsteps of many of their peers at these 10 schools.

The Experts' Choice: Colleges With Excellent Career Counseling

Entering the "real world" is a scary thought to most college seniors...unless they graduated from one of the schools on this list. These colleges and universities are known for...