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Four-Year Schools in Vermont with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Green Mountain State accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges...

Years that Men's Colleges Became Co-ed

It took some of them a while, about 200 years or so, but better late than never. FYI, this list is from The College Finder, 2017 edition now available!

Colleges With Lots of Ski Titles

Bunny hills are jokes to these guys. Check out these schools with the most ski titles. Number of titles follows the school.

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Kansas

Thinking about attending college in the Sunflower State? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Kansas right here. All schools are currently active...

College and Universities That Allow Pets on Campus

Our users say these schools allow Fido and friends to shack up with students on campus. Policies vary, but many allow dogs and cats, along with birds, guinea pigs, and more!...

Colleges With Great Women's Ice Hockey Teams

These women can hit as hard and shoot as well as the men--all on ice! Check out the schools with great programs in women's ice hockey.

Rhode Island Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Ocean State.

Colleges With the Highest Total Athletic Budgets

At these schools, you won't find the athletes in ratty old uniforms. No expense is spared for athletics.

Colleges with the Highest Return on Investments

The schools listed here invested their money, and it paid off. The return for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is listed here.

Four-Year Colleges Awarding the Most Bachelor's Degrees to Hispanic Students

Okay, so we got a little carried with statistics on this list. But you benefit! The first number is the total number of degrees awarded to Hispanic students. The second is the...

Colleges With Strength in Women's Soccer: NAIA and Other

Small schools, big fields, bigger opportunities.

Colleges and Universities With Intercollegiate Pickleball Clubs

Pickleball is growing in popularity at colleges and universities across the United States, with many schools competing in national tournaments. If you're looking for a school...

Colleges and Universities With the Most School Spirit

Campus vibe is an important part of finding the right college for you! You don't want to go to a college with no school spirit, do you? Well, you won't have that problem at...

Seven-College Exchange

These schools are right in the cradle of the Civil War.

Colleges With the Most Men's Division I Soccer Championships

These teams are on top of their game! The name of the school is followed by the number of men's soccer Division I championships in the past 55 years.

Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education

Students can travel all around Alabam' if they choose to attend a BACHE school.