Malone University

Canton, OH

Malone University

Canton, OH

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Undergrad Health & Medicine Christian Life Business

Health & Medicine Profile

Educating our future healthcare professionals

The Department of Nursing welcomes students who are looking to make a lasting impact in the world of healthcare. It is our goal to provide both undergraduate and graduate degree programs that incorporate Christian values and high-level training to those who wish to dedicate their careers towards caring for others. Our programs will prepare students to work in a variety of healthcare settings and will also prepare them to adjust to the changes that are consistently being made in the field.

Our Canton, Ohio location strategically places Malone students in the heart of Northeast Ohio, where they can easily access internships, practicum, and student teaching opportunities. And with a call to love our students, faculty and staff embrace their daily work by creating an environment on campus which uniquely invites students to grow intellectually, spiritually, and professionally.

At Malone, our goal is to provide you with transformative experiences in the classroom and community life
We are unmistakably, unapologetically Christian. We love Jesus and we want our students to love Him, too. The Pendle Hill Pledge will help you discover who you God has called you to be and provide you with the tools to help you get there. Students benefit from one-on-one mentoring relationships to help them discover their gifts and prepare them for a purposeful and meaningful life and career. We prepare you to be a servant leader by modeling service in our community. The Malone community stands out in our region, collectively and individually, for going the extra mile for those in need. Malone graduates get hired and advance in their careers because of their ability to write, speak, think critically and creatively, and work with a variety of people in a variety of settings.

Receive a private Christian education that is comparable in cost to what families pay at a public institution. A Malone education is an investment in your future.



Ranked in the Top 15 of the Best Bachelors Nursing Programs in the Midwest |


A Location in the Heart of it All 

Malone, Canton's University, is at the crossroads of a vibrant corporate corridor which includes Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, and Pittsburgh.

With numerous schools, medical care facilities, corporations, and recreation, students enjoy countless possibilities for off-campus jobs and internships, co-op and practicum experiences, and student teaching opportunities.

For fun, Canton boasts a variety of hangout places, dining hot-spots, cultural attractions and recreational destinations. Within an hour’s drive, visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the woods and trails of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, more than 40 golf courses, outstanding museums of art and natural history, and all the fun of Ohio’s “North Coast.”

Why study in the Department of Nursing?

• Our programs are all centered around Christian principles that allow our students to practice with love, kindness, and understanding.

• We provide our students with high-quality learning experiences and resources to enhance their education.

• Our curriculum includes many hands-on opportunities and we have set up the progression of courses to include clinicals and internships early on so students are well-prepared come graduation.

• Faculty interact with students on an individual level to provide them with the assistance and guidance they need to succeed.

• Passing rates for board licensure and certifications are a direct reflection of the quality education students receive from this department.

• We hold a reputation in the local area and beyond that allows ours students to have great success in job placement post-graduation.

An Inside Look