transfer admission

29 articles tagged with "transfer admission"

Fighting for Your Education: An Expert Look Into Transfer Credits

The transfer admission process requires a lot of advocating for yourself. Here's a look inside transferring credits and speaking up for what you’ve earned.

Project Manager, Carnegie

Our Best Advice for the Transfer Admission Process

We've gathered our best advice for the entire transfer process, from making the initial decision to adapting to your new college and everything in between.


2 Types of Transfer Students: 2-Year vs. 4-Year Schools

Planning to transfer from a community college or four-year school? No matter what type of student you are, here's what you can do to simplify the process.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

Transfer Shock: How to Combat and Minimize This Very Real Phenomenon

Transferring to a new college is a big step. Even if you think you're ready, you may suffer from transfer shock. Here's how to adjust to your new home!

Freelance Writer

6 Important Pieces of the Transfer Admission Process

Transferring may seem hard, but one thing's for sure: These six things are extremely important to your admission process and success as a transfer student.

Freelance Writer

What is Same-Day Acceptance for Transfer Students?

Same-day acceptance, also known as instant decision day, is becoming more popular with transfer students looking to decrease the stress level and time commitment that comes with applying to a new university.


The Ups and Downs of the Transfer Experience

Transferring colleges can feel like a roller coaster! Read on to learn about the ups and downs from a former transfer student who knows the ride firsthand.

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

7 Things You'll Learn Your First Semester as a Transfer

Phoebe just finished her first semester as a transfer student, and she's already learned a lot of important lessons. Keep reading for seven tips she has to share with all new transfers.

Freelance Writer

Useful College Resources Transfer Students Need to Know About

Transferring to another school doesn't have to be stressful. There are many resources at your colleges of interest that will help you through the process!

Director of Transfer Admissions, Manhattan University

What's Your Story? A Guide to Transfer Admission Essays

How do you get started on your transfer essay? You need to tell the admission officers a great story! Here's a step-by-step guide to telling yours.

Director of Admissions, Grove City College

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