test prep

106 articles tagged with "test prep"

What's More Important in Admission: Test Scores or GPA?

Some students have a great GPA. Some students have great test scores. Some have both. But which is more important in college admission? Our experts weigh in.

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How Can I Improve My Memorization for School?

While memorization isn't the ideal way to learn, sometimes it's needed. One of our experts has eight quick methods of memorization for you to try out.

Educational Consultant, Research Psychologist, and Writer

Should I Take for Advanced Placement Classes in High School?

AP courses can challenge a student academically, but they aren't for everyone. Here's some expert advice on whether or not you should take AP classes.

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CLEP Exams Equal College Credit

The College Board promotes this test with the statement, "The knowledge you've gained from your education or professional experiences can take you further than you think." This is true. CLEP can turn your current knowledge and experience into college credit(s).

Director of Business Development, Triumph College Admissions (TCA)

What Is the GRE Test for Graduate School Admission?

The GRE, also known as the GRE revised General Test, is required by many graduate programs. Here's some inside info about this important admission exam.


Should I Take AP Tests if I Took the Courses?

There are actually both good reason to take AP tests and to skip them. Here's some expert advice on why you should and the times when it may be best not to.


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