When you're moving into a closet-sized space, under-packing is a common occurrence. Here are 10 things that you should pack for college that a lot of people often forget!
Looking for a new college roommate can be a difficult and overwhelming task, but these seven strategies can help you find the right person to live with.
While the typical college lifestyle isn't always conducive to maintaining healthy habits, these tips can help steer any busy college student in the right direction.
Heading to the big city for college is a huge transition, especially if you come from a small town. Here are some things you'll experience in the change.
A new college roommate can be a great opportunity for a new friend or a total nightmare. Here's how to go about getting to know your new college roommate.
by Emily Barylske CollegeXpress Student Writer, McKendree University
Planning your study abroad experience can be daunting. But this timeline breaks everything down, making the process less overwhelming and a lot simpler.