
6 articles tagged with "savings"

Part-Time Jobs and Money-Making Ideas for Students

Looking for a part-time job to earn money in high school? Check out all these options and get your job search or side hustle started with this advice.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How and Why to Save for Retirement in Your 20s

Saving for retirement probably isn't even on your mind yet, but it should be! Here's how and why you should start saving for your future in your 20s.

Content Marketer,

Budgeting Best Practices All Students Need to Learn

The best way to manage your money and save as a student is by budgeting. Here's how you do it, with a handy budget spreadsheet to help you get started!

Freelance Writer

How to Save Money During Your Spring Break Vacation

You don't have to make it rain to have a good time on spring break. Here are a few tips and tricks to cut corners and save money on vacation.

Director of Content, CollegeXpress

When Should I Start Saving for My Child’s College Education?

Saving for college should ideally begin years before high school, with planning turning critical around junior year. Learn more from a financial expert here!


How to Avoid College Debt Before It Starts: Savings Tips for Parents

The cost of college is an overwhelming thought for parents, but saving for your teen's education can be easier than it seems. Use these tips to get started!

Contributing Writer, GiveCollege