Catholic students have ample opportunities to nurture their faith with college extracurriculars. Here are some options to get involved and connected on campus.
by Erin Moriarty AVP and Dean of Undergraduate Admission, Loyola University Chicago
As a Catholic student, you're likely figuring out how much you want your faith to factor into your college search. Here are five questions to guide you!
A Christian student's college search is all about finding the right academic, social, and spiritual fit. Find the school for you with this expert advice!
by Ryan McElhany Dir. of Marketing & Public Relations, Southwestern Assemblies of God University
The US offers many possibilities for obtaining an education that fits your needs, but how do you begin searching through thousands of schools? Start here!
by Catherine Capolupo Former Dir. of Undergraduate Admission, Simmons University
Catholic colleges are unique communities that foster intellectualism and personal growth with a focus on the humanities. Learn more from an expert here!