
4 articles tagged with "recycling"

7 Personal Goals to Make a Real Environmental Impact

Making an environmental impact as a student isn't hard with some daily personal habit changes. Here are seven goals to incorporate into your routine.

Managing Editor, Body+Mind

5 Easy Ways Anyone Can Fight for the Environment

More and more people are starting to show they care about the environment and do their part to save it. How can you join them? Read on to find out!

PR Firm

18 Easy Dorm Room Hacks You Need to Know

Check out these borderline life-saving hacks to help make living in a dorm that much more bearable!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Ithaca College

3 Ways to Live Sustainably on a College Campus

Many colleges help students live sustainably with transportation, dorm life, and dining hall programs. Just check out all these green initiatives!

Freelance Writer