You need to be careful when dealing with financial aid. Avoid these big financial aid mistakes so you don't over-spend and over-borrow on a college education.
by Nick Prewett Director, University of Missouri Office of Student Financial Aid
At some point, you and your parents may find yourselves trying to figure out how to pay for tuition without breaking the bank. Here's some helpful advice!
by Jessica Tomer Director of Communications, Commonwealth School
Knowing the right time to apply for scholarships is important to future college success. (Hint: There's never a wrong time, but this expert explains more.)
Sure, there's a lot of work to winning scholarships. But being successful at the search can be boiled down to three easy but effective steps. Here's what to do!
Not sure how to navigate the college search? Here's an inside view of college admission and financial aid, plus strategies to make your process successful.
by Dr. Matthew T. Proto Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Colby College
College costs are often not what they seem up front. Here's how families can understand how much it will actually cost, plus tips for the financial aid process.
Even though public schools are less expensive than private, students often need financial assistance. Here are six tips for maximizing your college aid.
by Kyandra Chandler CollegeXpress Student Writer, Arkansas State University
When you're facing personal and financial obstacles, your best-fit school can seem really far, far away. Make your college dreams a reality with this advice!