
26 articles tagged with "music"

A Killer Playlist for the Spookiest Time of Year

Looking for something to get you in the Halloween spirit? Turn the volume up and celebrate the scariest time of year by jamming to these spooky bops.


6 Miraculous Effects Music Can Have on Student Success

Your parents may have told you to turn the music down (or off) when you're studying. Read on to find out how music actually helps you succeed in school.

Writer, Sage Music School

6 Quick Expert Tips to Remember for Music School Admission

If you want to apply to a music college, consider these six tips to make admission as easy as possible from an expert who understands the whole process.

Private Music Teacher and Author

How to Prepare for Your Music College Auditions Now

Whether you're applying next semester or in a few years, you must audition to attend music college. Here are some tips on how to prepare for admission.

Music Teacher; Coauthor, College Prep for Musicians

Music for Non-Majors: How to Get Involved in Music in College

Interested in music but not in majoring in it? There are many opportunities to get involved on campus, from joining ensembles to taking gen ed classes.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Music Students: Is a Double Degree Right for You?

If you're a musician who wants to study music seriously in college but is also committed to academics, a double degree might be a good fit for you.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

What Can You Do With an Arts Major?

There are plenty of jobs to be found for arts majors, no starving required. Take a look at what these former arts majors did with their degrees.

Freelance Writer

Top 4 Reasons to Join Your College Marching Band

A student at Clemson University shares everything she loves about being in the school's marching band. And why you should think about joining yours too!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Clemson University

The Best Way to Pay for College as a Music Major: Become a Private Teacher

Music majors: did you know you could make $40+ an hour before graduating by teaching what you love? Here's how to become a private music teacher to make extra cash for college.

Owner and CEO,; Music Teacher

College Audition Do's and Don'ts

Strengthen your college auditions and wow the judges with these tips and tricks!

Student, Woodgrove High School

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