Many high school and college students get part-time jobs while in school, but flexibility for a busy student schedule is key. Here are five jobs to consider!
by Laura Wallace CollegeXpress Student Writer, Anderson University
It can seem hard to save money as a student, but it doesn’t have to be. Use these great tips to manage your money and save more around back-to-school time.
Buying your first home is a big goal, but it takes a lot of smart financial planning to get there. Here’s how you can start making smart money moves in college.
As a student, you must be careful about how much you’re spending. But that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself! Here are 10 ways to have fun for cheap.
by Ben Walker Travel and Credit Card Expert, FinanceBuzz
Looking to make some extra money by selling your artwork? These five websites are great platforms for artistic students who want to get paid for their craft.
Don’t think you can afford to go to college? This collection of advice covers scholarships, grants, loans, FAFSA tips, and more ways to make it possible.
Making good financial decisions in high school goes a long way in college and beyond. Here are six things you should do to become more financially literate.
Dave Ramsey’s finance principles can help students get a head start on their financial journey and establish good money habits. Learn more about them here!