money for college

108 articles tagged with "money for college"

Over 55 March Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

Spring is in the air, and so are scholarship opportunities! Here are over 55 scholarship awards you should apply for with deadlines in March.

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Over 45 February Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

Looking for scholarships to apply for in February? Start your search here with our comprehensive list of awards organized by student type and deadline!

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Easy Scholarship Contests to Enter and Win in 2025

Looking for easy scholarship opportunities with no long essays? CollegeXpress offers scholarship contests for registered users every month. Learn more here!


Over 60 January Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

We have scholarships for everyone to celebrate the New Year! Check out all these great opportunities to win free money for college in January.

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Celebrate the Holiday Season and Win Big With the 2024 CX Gives Back Giveaway!

'Tis the season for another CX Gives Back Giveaway! Learn how you can win prizes, give back to charity, and enter a special scholarship contest here.


Over 60 December Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

Just because the holidays and winter break are coming doesn't mean you should stop the scholarship search. Here are 60+ awards with December deadlines.

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Over 50 November Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

November is National Scholarship Month! To help you find more money for college, here are over 50 scholarships to apply for with November deadlines.

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Amazing Scholarships and Grants for Animal Lovers

Are you a Veterinary student, a rescue shelter volunteer, or just a big fan of domestic or wild animals? Then this list of college scholarships is for you!

Director of Content, CollegeXpress

Over 45 October Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

It's a scary-good time to search and apply for scholarships! Check out this collection of 45+ awards with October deadlines for students of all levels.

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Over 45 September Scholarship Opportunities to Apply For

We’re in full back-to-school mode, but that doesn't mean the scholarship search should slow down. Here are over 45 great awards with September deadlines.

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