College is a great time for exploring your academic interests. And if you're interested in multiple majors, don't box yourself into one. You have options!
Part-time jobs are a great way to add experience to your résumé and make extra money while you're in college. Here are some major-relevant jobs to consider!
by Ginger Abbot Writer & Editor-in-Chief,
Bioengineering is a popular major for students who love math and science. Learn more about preparing for the Bioengineering field and your future career here.
Interested in studying Neuroscience in college? Here are the best classes to take in high school and college, plus potential career paths the major can lead to.
If you're a student considering a Journalism major, check out these four public universities with great programs. One of them might be your dream school!
Are you transferring to a four-year school and can't decide on a major? You have an associate degree for a reason! Use it to navigate four-year programs.
by Kelli Dolan Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress
Some college courses seem fun, but if they don't count toward your degree, are they worth your time? Here's how to avoid credits that won't benefit you.
A career in social work is bound to be rewarding no matter what you do, but here are some options of different jobs you can get with a Social Work degree.