Disclosing your learning disability to colleges can be a hard step to take when you don't want to be defined by it. Here's why experts say it's a good idea.
For parents of teens with learning disabilities, here's what you should know about the services colleges provide and what your student needs for support.
All students can be successful in college, including those with learning disabilities. Here are the most common accommodations LD students should ask for.
The college search can be daunting, and if you're a student with a disability, there are additional considerations to keep in mind. Here's what to know.
Check out all our advice, scholarships, and lists of colleges for students with learning differences as you navigate the search and application process.
Attention parents of students with learning differences: You can help promote a successful school year using these key academic and planning strategies!
Working with students who have learning or physical differences can put you to the test as a school counselor. Here's how to help with college planning!