Part-time jobs are a great way to add experience to your résumé and make extra money while you're in college. Here are some major-relevant jobs to consider!
by Ginger Abbot Writer & Editor-in-Chief,
In this day and age, you're only doing yourself a disservice if you don't have an internship in college. Here's why they're so beneficial to your career success.
by Justin Klug Digital Marking Intern, Iowa Wesleyan University
Everyone has a unique personality, but we all fall into certain "types." Here are some great career options if you fall into one of these five personality types.
Love your internship so much that you want to turn it into a full-time gig? Doing these five things at work can help you stand out and increase your chances!
Don't limit your career search to a single source. Find a job you'll love with these websites that offer the most exposure and the best, coolest job listings.
by Ryan J. Sundling Group Marketing Manager, Cardinal Group Management
In just four weeks, you can focus your research, select powerful keywords, and perfect your résumé to convince any employer you're the right hire. Here's how.
Part one of this series covered the fun side of freelancing in college. Part two will teach you all about the technical and logistical factors of the business.
by Kara E. Joyce Editorial Assistant, Carnegie Dartlet
What do you do when your postgrad career plans don't work out as planned? Use the following expert tips to make a new plan and secure another job offer.