These are some of the best job apps to help high school students, college students, and new college graduates find part-time, full-time, and side jobs.
Love the company you're interning at so much you want to work there forever (or at least a few years)? Check out these tips on how to make that happen!
Securing an entry-level position in today's job market means clearing a series of hurdles, not to mention defeating the bots. One way to do it: résumé keywords.
Career fairs are a great way to explore your future career or land a job before you graduate. Here are five ways to stand out and improve your chances.
by Christiane Townsend CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
If job interviews aren't well, it might be because of these common body language interview mistakes. Here's how to present your best self through your actions.
Listen up, college students! You want a good job, right? Here are some important tips for what you should do before, during, and after your first job interview.