
51 articles tagged with "diversity"

15+ Books and Movies Celebrating AAPI Heritage to Check Out Now

AAPI cultures have incredible stories to share, from award-winning movies to breakout novels. Where do you begin? Here with these recommendations!

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

5 Thoughtful Tips to Build Better Cultural and Social Awareness in School

Everyone gets worried about saying the wrong thing, but there are easy ways students can practice sensitivity when discussing social and cultural issues.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

5 Important Conversations for Students of Color on Campus Tours

As a student of color, finding a diverse, equitable college is all about asking questions that lead to the right conversations. Here's what to ask about!

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

How to Find Inclusive Colleges for Jewish and Muslim Students

It’s vital for colleges to foster culture and create space for everyone. Here’s how to find welcoming, supportive campuses for Jewish and Muslim students.

Freelance Writer

Mental Health and Discrimination: Facts, Resources, and Advice for Students

Connections between mental health, discrimination, and college students cannot be denied. Learn how you can find support and promote inclusivity on campus.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Elizabethtown College

Top 6 College Prep Steps for First-Generation Students

First-generation students often feel all alone in the college search. But you don't have to! Here are the top tips you need for finding admission support.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

8 Great Books, Movies, and Podcasts That Celebrate Native American Culture

Indigenous people have had a profound impact on this country. Learn more about their stories with these great book, movie, and podcast recommendations.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

10 Ways to Be a True Ally on Your College Campus

Being a good ally isn't hard, but it does take some effort. Here are 10 ways you can be a better ally and support your peers on your college campus.

Managing Editor, Revivalist

3 Great Benefits of Attending a Women’s College

Women’s colleges offer many opportunities and benefits to their students. Here are just a few reasons you may want to add them to your college list.

by and

6 Impactful Ways to Celebrate and Honor AAPI Communities

May is AAPI Heritage Month! Celebrate these incredible, diverse communities by learning how you can support them as an ally this month and beyond.

K–12 Manager, City of Seattle

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