Looking for a college or university with great Performing Arts programs? These schools across the West and Midwest may have just what you're looking for.
Do you have a passion to perform ready to burst from you? These arts schools in the Southern United States are great places to earn your degree and shine!
Planning to study Music, Dance, or Theater in college? These performing arts schools in the Northeastern United States are great places to earn a degree!
Looking to maximize your potential as a dancer? With top-level instruction and incredible mentors, these are some of the best places to study Dance in college.
Art in its many forms, all those things of beauty for beauty's sake, may not bring home the bacon all the time, but they certainly nourish the soul. Here we explore the most mainstream avenues of the arts and the surprisingly varied careers to which they may lead.
Recreational therapy, including specialties in dance and art, may be the ideal way to combine a love of dance, art, or music with the desire to make a difference in the lives of others.