Financial aid eases the burden of college costs for many students. Make sure you're getting the most out of your financial aid offers with this advice.
Financial aid can be confusing, especially when you'll still have out-of-pocket costs in the end. Here are 15 things to know about Expected Family Contribution.
You know all about the FAFSA, but are you familiar with the CSS Profile for institutional aid? Learn all about this form and why you should fill it out.
Get informed before filling out the FAFSA by checking out this seven-step guide to help families work through it as efficiently and effectively as possible.
by Susan McCrackin Senior Director of Financial Aid Methodology, College Board
The graduate financial aid process is a little different than what students are used to for undergrad. Here are the quick answers to what you need to know.
Students usually have a lot of question about financial aid during the college admission process. Here are the answers to some common questions from an expert.
by Douglas L. Christiansen Vice Provost for Enrollment, Dean of Admissions, Vanderbilt University