
4 articles tagged with "commuting"

How to Help Your Live-In College Student Prepare for an Independent Life

If your teen is living at home during college, it doesn't mean they shouldn't start living a more independent life. Here's what parents can do to help.

Freelance Writer and College Coach

3 Great Benefits of Commuting in College to Consider

Is commuting to college right for you? A commuter student shares the top benefits to your savings, social life, and family if you choose to be one too.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Cedarville University

Commuting Tips for Off-Campus Students

To dorm or not to dorm; that is the question. Here are some things to keep in mind if you pick the latter and decide to become a college commuter.

Student, California State University of Los Angeles

How Is Living on Campus Different From Living Off Campus?

It's a totally different college experience living on campus vs. off. Our experts share why you might want to stay on campus during your first year.

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