college planning

52 articles tagged with "college planning"

3 Smart Steps to Creating a College Application Strategy

The best way to complete your college applications is by having an application strategy. Here are three key steps to understanding and building your game plan.

Founder, College Mindset

The Top 5 Do's and Don'ts for Letters of Recommendation

Whether you need a recommendation for college, an internship, or a job, you need to request it at the ease of your recommenders. Here are some do's and don'ts!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Visualize Yourself at College and Life Postgrad

Preparing for college and your future is part being able to visualize it and finding tools to help you do so. Here's how you can prepare for a great experience.

CollegeXpress Graduate Student Writer, Oklahoma City University

How to Make the Most of Freshman Year in the Pandemic

COVID-19 has cast a shadow over many students' first year of college. Read on to see what one student learned after spending freshman year in quarantine.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

What Do Prospective College Students Want From Campus Tours?

Campus visits are a crucial part of the college search process, but here are a few things you may not see on a typical college tour that you should ask about.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

3 Common Obstacles to a Successful Scholarship Search

Deserving students miss out on a lot of money each year because of three common obstacles in the scholarship search process. Here's how to overcome them!

Scholarship Strategist and Author

Your Quick Mid-Year Scholarship Search Checklist

You're halfway through the school year, but there's still a lot to be done. Make sure you're on track in your scholarship search with this checklist.

Scholarship Strategist and Author

Financial Transparency: The FAFSA, Your Student, and You

Some parents are wary about sharing financial information with their students when filing the FAFSA. Here's how to avoid it and the bright side if you don't.

Content Marketer,

How to Master the Art of Setting and Refining Your Goals

You've got big dreams, but do you know how to organize your goals to achieve them? Learn how to master goal setting for a better college life and future.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of California, Los Angeles

6 Valuable Tips for College Life Beyond the Classroom

Student writer Zia just finished her first semester of college and wants to share her newfound wisdom to make your first semester the most successful it can be.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Loyola University New Orleans

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