You likely have many questions about college recommendations, but these two will help you get the best letters possible. Great recs are a quick read away!
by Lindsey Conger College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep
A recent change in college admission affects countless students of color. Here's how you can still thrive and gain acceptance to your best-fit college.
by Michael LeeYow Managing Director of Programs, Bottom Line
College and scholarship applications are overwhelming. The best thing you can do is digitize and organize to stay on top of all your documents. Here’s how!
Parents need the best when it comes to college advice too. And we have it! Start helping your student today with these blogs, articles, and expert tips.
College admission sees unique trends every cycle that can be crucial for future applicants. Take note of these five recent trends for a great application.
by Lindsey Conger College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep
Whether you're helping the community or inventing environmental solutions, these passion projects are sure to get you noticed by admission representatives.
by Lindsey Conger College Counselor and Tutor, Moon Prep
Direct admission is the latest movement in making college more accessible to all. If you're thinking of pursuing this option, here's what you need to know.