If you're looking to carry your faith with you through college, this list of Christian schools in the Southern US is a great place to start your search!
College is a time of exploration, and for Christian students, a time to determine what faith means to you. Here's how you can maintain your faith on any campus.
by Laura Wallace CollegeXpress Student Writer, Anderson University
Christian colleges offer benefits from great academics to close-knit communities. Here are five reasons to consider Christian schools during your search.
A Christian student's college search is all about finding the right academic, social, and spiritual fit. Find the school for you with this expert advice!
by Ryan McElhany Dir. of Marketing & Public Relations, Southwestern Assemblies of God University
Headed off to a Christian college? You should be asking yourself these questions before and during the year to learn more about your beliefs, needs, and goals.
by Savanna Mertz CollegeXpress Student Writer, Dallas Baptist University
Religious students have unique skills and traits they bring to the workforce! Here's some expert advice on how faith factors into professional development.
The college search is more complicated for students who factor in their faith. Here's some expert advice on exploring both public and private colleges.
As a religious student, you have an extra layer to the college search: your faith. Here's some expert advice on how to find a school for spiritual growth.