Making your final decision on a college is a big step, and it's certainly not an easy one to make. Student vlogger Toni has some advice to help you out.
Searching for colleges requires a lot of research, and it can be difficult without the right tools. Here are the top resources to use for your college search!
by Sara Lindberg Freelance Writer, Former High School Counselor
Congratulations on getting accepted to college! Now your calendar is full of admitted student days. Here's a quick guide to help you get through all of them.
by Rebecca Barer CollegeXpress Student Writer, Johns Hopkins University
Have you considered attending a women's college? Even if you haven't, check out these five amazing schools and maybe add them to your application list!
Does the price of a US education make your eyes bulge? Consider a seemingly more sophisticated (but much cheaper) option for a university across the pond.