
8 articles tagged with "cars"

Searching for Cars or Colleges: Look Under the Hood

Car shopping and the college search aren't that different. Does that surprise you? All you have to do is look under the hood of each to find what you need.

Independent Educational Consultant and Founder, college.u

7 Tips to Consider If You Want a Car on Campus

Having a car on campus can be convenient, but only if it outweighs potential parking, cost, and safety issues. Follow these tips before making a decision.

Content Marketer, ValuePenguin

How College Students Can Save Money on Car Insurance

Car insurance can be expensive, especially for a college student. Here are some ways to save money on your car insurance while you're in school.


Is It Smart for You to Buy a Car and Drive in College?

Buying a car is a huge investment, including payments, gas, insurance, and maintenance. Should you make the leap before leaving for campus? Let's discuss.

Content Marketer, ValuePenguin

5 Things Students Should Know Before Buying a Car

There's nothing like your first set of wheels, but you should be aware of these five things before you make a car purchase you may later regret.

Owner, RightSwitch

5 Things Every College Student Should Keep in Their Car

When you live on the go in college, there are things you should always have on hand. Stock your car with chargers, umbrellas, and these other essentials.

Freelance Writer

6 Important Tips For Students Bringing Cars To College

Are you bringing a car to your college campus? Here are six tips on everything from insurance to parking permits to make sure you do it the right way.

Senior Vice President of State Product Management, Allstate

The Pros and Cons of Owning a Car in College

Should you live on campus or off? Should you own a car or not? Which option is best (and cheapest)? Keep reading to figure out what's right for you.

Freelance Writer