
175 articles tagged with "careers"

The Importance of Career Prep: How to Plan for Your Dream Job

Is a college degree the ticket to a great job? Not quite. Career preparation is vital for every student, starting as early as high school. Learn more here!

Freelance Writer

6 Important Résumé Improvement Tips for College Students

Crafting a great résumé can be difficult straight out of college, but with these tips, you can present yourself the right way and get the job!

Career Coach and Resume Writer

What Can You Do With a Social Work Degree?

A career in social work is bound to be rewarding no matter what you do, but here are some options of different jobs you can get with a Social Work degree.

Education Writer

How to Navigate and Excel at a Job Interview on Zoom

Job interviews are already stressful, but now you have to adapt to them online? Here's how you can prepare for a virtual interview.

Founding Partner, Hyatt-Fennell Executive Search

Top 10 Career Fields in America: What You Should Know

It's never too early to start thinking about your future career, even in high school! Start with our list of the top 10 career fields in the United States.


5 Strategies to Turn Your Internship Into Your First Job

Love your internship so much that you want to turn it into a full-time gig? Doing these five things at work can help you stand out and increase your chances!

Freelance Writer

4 Easy Networking Strategies for Online Students

Networking as an online student takes a little extra effort than if you were on campus. Here are some simple ways to start connecting with peers and professors.

Content Web Publisher, Western Governors University

4 Smart Tips for Women to Negotiate Salary

In honor of Women's History Month and Equal Pay Day, learn some smart ways you should negotiate your salary as a woman with a potential employer.

Professional Life Coach

How to Climb Up the Corporate Ladder

Navigating the working world as a recent graduate is hard when not all employers have the same expectations. Here's some universal advice to take to any job!

Career Expert

4 Interesting Ways to Help You Find Your College Major

Choosing your college major can be stressful if you haven't been set on a career for a while. Make it more interesting with some creativity and these tips!

Senior Assistant Editor, CollegeXpress

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