
175 articles tagged with "careers"

How to Network With Your College's Alumni on LinkedIn

The best way to find a career after college is networking with people who graduated from your school. Here's how to find alumni to network with on LinkedIn.

Founder & Independent Educational Consultant, AmberEd College Counseling

How to Align Your Part-Time Job With Your College Major

It's smart to integrate your studies with other areas of your life. Here's some advice for finding a part-time job that pairs well with your college major.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, University of New Mexico

The Art of Creating a Great Résumé in an Online World

The art of crafting your résumé for the job search has changed drastically in the modern age. Here's how to write a great one in our technology-based world.

Freelance Writer

How to Use LinkedIn Data to Build Your College List

LinkedIn can help you find feeder schools and build a college list. Learn what feeder schools are and how to use this valuable tool to your benefit here.

Founder & Independent Educational Consultant, AmberEd College Counseling

Are Income-Sharing Agreements Too Good to Be True?

Income-sharing agreements can be a great alternative means of funding your education if you're in a bind. Read on to learn if this is a good option for you.

Content Marketer,

A Helpful Guide to LinkedIn for High School Students

LinkedIn isn't a typical social platform. It's a place to network with people who could help your future career. Here's how high school students can use it!

CollegeXpress Student Writer, Anderson University

Spotlight on Psychology Majors and Your Academic Path

Are you thinking of majoring in Psychology in college? Here's what to expect, the classes you'll take, and the branches you could consider as a career.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

A Look at Where Teachers Are Needed Most in the US

There's a teaching shortage across the country. So if you're an educator or thinking of majoring in Education, here's where and what to consider teaching.

Writer & Editor-in-Chief,

5 Awesome Careers to Explore as Seen on TV

Wondering what you should do after college? Take a page from these five popular TV characters' books and see how you can pursue their careers in real life!

CollegeXpress Student Writer

Great Careers for Aspiring Humanities Majors to Consider

A Humanities degree gives you a wide range of potential careers after graduation. Here's a look at 10 potential jobs you could pursue after college.

CollegeXpress Student Writer, India

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