
175 articles tagged with "careers"

How Can I Prepare for a Successful Art Career After College?

A college insider shares her insights for the upcoming job search and how you can position yourself for career success in the world of arts and business.


5 Job Search Survival Tips for College Seniors

It's a rough job market for new college grads. To beat the odds, you need to use all the resources at your disposal, including these five job search tips.

Educational Consultant, Author

Easy Next Steps to Follow After Landing a Great Job Offer

You did it! You got a job offer. Now what? Here are the next steps you should take to accept and prepare for the great new position you just landed.

Interactive Marketing Coordinator, All Campus

How to Be Awesome at College: A Student's Cheat Sheet

Are you ready for college? Here are our top tips for kicking butt and taking names on campus, from academics to socializing and everything in between!


Who's Who in College: Important Roles in Administration

There are a lot of people working behind the scenes at colleges, from provosts to deans and more. Learn about the key roles you can find on every campus here!

Contributing Writer

How to Stand Out and Impress During Group Interviews

Oftentimes, companies will have prospective employees interview in groups. Here is some advice from an experienced group interviewer on how to stand out!

Content Writer, AllCampus

3 Important Steps to Kick-Start Your Nursing Career

Nursing can be a difficult path, but those who stick with it enjoy long and rewarding careers. Here are three important steps to help you reach your goal.

Former PR Associate, BrainTrack

Medical School Admission Requirements by Design

Perhaps you feel it--the call to become a physician. The path to medical school and the subsequent practice of medicine is notoriously rigorous and very competitive. Yet, some say the hardest part of the journey is the admission process.

Director, Chemistry Program, Mount Mary College

Rewarding Career Ideas for 5 Liberal Arts Majors

There's a common misconception about limited job prospects for liberal arts degrees. But there are more career options than you think—here are just a few!

Freelance Writer

How to Be a Competitive Med School Applicant

What makes someone an ideal med school applicant? What do admission counselors look for? How should students, both pre-med and not, prepare?

Director of the Pre-medical and Related Health Professional Programs, Gannon University

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