
175 articles tagged with "careers"

Unique Writing Jobs for Students Majoring in English

If you like to write and you're good at it, your career options are surprisingly vast. Here's are some unique jobs and career paths you might take as a writer.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

5 Common Interview Body Language Mistakes to Avoid

If job interviews aren't well, it might be because of these common body language interview mistakes. Here's how to present your best self through your actions.

Freelance Writer

What Can You Do With an English Major?

Students often think the only thing you can do with an English major is teach. But that's far from true! Here's a look at a few awesome careers you can go into.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

3 Easy Ways to Pursue Your Passions in High School

Figuring out what you love should happen early in your academic career. Here are three helpful ways you can start exploring your interests in high school.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How to Master the Before, During, and After of Your First Job Interview

Listen up, college students! You want a good job, right? Here are some important tips for what you should do before, during, and after your first job interview.

Freelance Writer

What Can You Do With an International Relations Major?

An International Relations major can take you around the world. Keep Take a look at some common careers for students who major in this life-changing field.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

3 Great Career Options for History Majors

Majoring in History can lead to some exciting and rewarding careers. Take a look at three major career paths you could take with your history degree.

CollegeXpress Student Writer

How Knowing a Foreign Language Can Help Your Career

If you don't know a second language, now is a great time to learn. Here are five reasons why knowing a foreign language can help your postgrad career.

Founder, Kindred PR

How Useful Transferable Skills Can Land You a Job

What are transferable skills? Why do you want them? And where can you get them? Here's everything college students need to know.

Freelance Writer

How to Prepare Your Social Media for the Job Search

In your post-college job search, your social media platforms matter more than you'd think. Here's how to clean them up for a professional presence online.

Founder, Kindred PR

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