It's tempting to take on extra student loans or other debt to attend your dream college, but your financial future is important. Here's some expert advice.
In-state tuition can make a huge difference in paying for college. But what if you college isn't in your home state? Here's what to know about state residency.
Tuition can be expensive, unfortunately. If you've been accepted to a college you love but don't know how you'll pay for it, here's some expert advice.
Applying for financial aid can be complicated, it's smart to seek out help. But who are the right people to ask? Our experts have advice to find helpers.
It can be hard for international students who don't know much about US programs to choose the right major. Consider this expert advice to help you decide.
Christian colleges have some different requirements of their students than other colleges. Here's some expert advice on what's expected for chapel services.
by John Chopka Vice President for Enrollment Management, Messiah College
College midterms and final exams can be tough! But there are ways successful students get through it all. See what our experts have to say on the subject.