
15 articles tagged with "adulting"

Breaking Down the Postgrad Job Search in 4 Easy Steps

The postgrad job search can be tough, and you may not be sure where to start. Here's some practical advice from someone who's been there before.

Freelance Writer

5 Things Students Should Know Before Buying a Car

There's nothing like your first set of wheels, but you should be aware of these five things before you make a car purchase you may later regret.

Owner, RightSwitch

How to Transition From College to a Full-Time Job

Every student has to deal with the college-to-career transition. Here are a few tips to make settling into your new adult life as smooth as possible.

Freelance Writer

Budgeting Best Practices All Students Need to Learn

The best way to manage your money and save as a student is by budgeting. Here's how you do it, with a handy budget spreadsheet to help you get started!

Freelance Writer

Post-College Advice for Unemployed Graduates

Graduating college without a job lined up? A lot of students are in the same boat. Here's what you can do to boost your career prospects and find work ASAP.

Graduate, Davidson College

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