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Showing results 1 – 20 of 280 for “summer”

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Video: Summer Jobs for Students

Sure, summer should be fun, but how are you going to pay for fun without money? Here are some summer job ideas around the house and community for students.

by CollegeXpress


4 Summer Activities That Will Impress Colleges

Summer is a great time to get ready for college. Find out what you can do in between your fun summer plans that will look great to admission committees.

by Shivani Ekkanath


Why It's Important to Search for Scholarships Over the Summer

Summer is one of the best times to search for scholarships. Here are a few reasons why you should be finding money to pay for college during the summer months.

by Lianna Jacob


5 Tips for Summer Courses to Avoid Ruining Your Break

Summer courses may not sound like the most enticing idea, but with these tips, you can get ahead of your education while still having a fantastic summer break.

by Emily Sandberg


4 Flexible Summer Jobs to Get Paid and Take a Break

You deserve a break this summer, but you may also need some cash. Here are four flexible summer jobs to have fun and make money at the same time.

by Rachel Louissaint


Summer Prep: 3 Ways to Get Ready for College Admission Season

Summer is the perfect chance to get a head start on the college admission process before the stress of senior year kicks in. Here are three key things to do!

by Lindsey Conger


Our Best Advice for Having an Awesome Summer Break

Make your summer vacation productive and fun with our best advice on getting work experience, preparing for college, and recharging after a long school year.

by CollegeXpress


8 Easy Ways to Have a Meaningful Summer Vacation

Worried about wasting the whole summer? Make it count with these eight ways to enjoy the long break and do something meaningful at the same time.

by Natalie Engh


Can College Consultants Help Students Find Summer Programs?

Independent consultants help students with many aspects of college admission, but can they help them find summer programs. Our experts have the answer.

by Leslie A. Weston


5 Good Reasons You Should Take a Summer Class

Summer is finally here! While you may be tempted to take a full break from school, here are five good reasons why you should consider taking at least one class.

by R. Sundling


3 Super Helpful Scholarship Search Strategies for the Summer

Don't stop applying for scholarships just because it's summer! Win more money for college by employing these simple search strategies during your break.

by Jean O'Toole


Great Books for Students to Read This Summer

Looking for some good book recommendations? These are some of the best books students can read over summer break.

by Erica West


4 Ways to Improve Your Writing This Summer

Don't let your mind turn to mush this summer! Take some time to hone your writing skills—you can even do some of these strategies at the pool or beach.

by Robyn Scott


7 Great Activities to Boost Your Mental Energy This Summer

Summer is a time to relax and rejuvenate, including giving yourself a mental boost! Here are some fun activities that will refresh your mind before fall.

by Tess DiNapoli


5 Things High School Students Need to Do This Summer

Want to stand out in the college admission process? It's not too late! Take matters into your own hands by doing these five important things over the summer.

by Shereem Herndon-Brown


5 Common Ways to Pay for Summer Classes and Graduate Sooner

Taking summer courses is a great way to get ahead and on your way to an exciting career you'll love. Here are some ways you can make it financially possible!

by Maxime Croll


4 Ways to Use Your Time Wisely During the Summer

Summer is a time for fun, but there's also lots of time to prepare for the year ahead. Here are four productive things to do in between all the excitement.

by Kiarra Louis


6 Great Summer Jobs for Students Who Want to Travel

For students looking to work and travel this summer, consider these six job opportunities! Plus, read on for tips on managing your finances while traveling.

by Ben Walker


Top College Planning Tips for the Summer Before Senior Year

While you may just want to relax this summer, there are productive yet easy things you can fill your time with to plan for college. Here are a few ideas!

by Bailey McInturff


6 Student Tips to Detox and Clear Your Mind This Summer

If you need to press the reset button after a long school year, check out these six rejuvenating ideas to get your mind in the right place this summer.

by Hailey Myers