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Showing results 1 – 20 of 59 for “quiz”

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Bible Quiz Top Quizzer Scholarship

Applicant must rank first or second in the Bible Quiz at the district, regional, or national level.

Max Award: $400

sponsored by Trinity Bible College


C&MA National Championship Level/Bible Quiz Finalist Scholarship

Applicant must be a finalist at the annual International C&MA Bible Quiz.

Max Award: $1,500

sponsored by Nyack College


Bible Quiz Scholarship and Fine Arts Achievement Scholarship

Applicant must place in either team or individual Fine Arts or Bible Quiz competitions at the district, regional, or national level.

Max Award: $15,652

sponsored by Valley Forge Christian College


Quiz: What Kind of College Town Is Right for You?

Should you go urban or rural? Far from home or nearby? There are lots of factors to consider. This advice and quiz might help you figure things out.

by Mike Hines


Should You Take the SAT or ACT? Take This Quiz First!

The eternal struggle amongst high schoolers: should you take the SAT or ACT?

by Cathleen Freedman


Common Knowledge Scholarships

Foundation offers award scholarships through the use of Internet-based quiz competitions with topics that range from common knowledge to specific academic subjects.

Max Award: $2,500

sponsored by Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation


GMR Transcription Academic Scholarship

Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students at an accredited college or university. Students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average. Applicants must submit essays and complete a qualification quiz.

Max Award: $500

sponsored by GMR Transcription Services


Public Engagement Competition

Applicant must be an adult or transfer student looking to complete their bachelor's degree at The New School for Public Engagement in New York City beginning next fall. Selection based upon quiz performance as well as the quality of video presentation.

sponsored by Sqore


4 Great Ways to Start Thinking About Your Future Career

Thinking about your future career in high school is a smart strategy as you get closer to college. Consider these four things to help you explore your options!

by Nicole Iwuala


Secrets to Successful Studying

It's no secret that studying can be a drag. Check out these tips to make studying more bearable--maybe even fun!

by Susie Obregon


5 of the Best Modern Adaptations of Academic Literature

It can be hard for students to relate to assigned reading for English. Check out these adaptations of five classics to help you connect to your assignments!

by Hailey Myers


Ace Your Exams: 9 Practical Study Tips For Success

Long-term success with studying is about a good, practical routine. One high school student shares her favorite study tips to benefit you and your GPA.

by Katie E. Warner


How Can I Improve My Grades With a Learning Disability?

Getting through school with learning differences is hard. Here's some advice from someone who's had to overcome academic obstacles and improve grades.

by Barbara Dianis


Top 3 Smart Tips for Stress–Free Test Prep

Stressed about your tests? That's normal for everyone. Here are three key tips you should be following while preparing for your upcoming exam.

by DebiAnn Daniel


4 Awesome (and Free) SAT Prep Resources

Looking for resources to help you get ready for the SAT? Check out these four fun, easy-to-use, and totally free online test prep resources!

by Carly Cornell


4 Simple Tips to Ace the Resident Assistant Application Process

So you want to be an RA? You most likely have an application and interview to get through. Here are a few pointers so you can ace the application process.

by Catherine Seraphin


7 Ways to Get Thousands of Dollars in Financial Aid

Paying for college is at the top of every applicant's mind. How can you lower the bottom line for the next four years? Here are seven ways to do just that!

by Kevin McMullin


3 Tips to Improve Your Reading Retention for School

Retaining what you read is important for homework and studying in both high school and college. Here are three tips to improve your memory while studying!

by Lianna Jacob


How to Set Better New Year's Resolutions You Can Commit To

Hoping to start better habits in the new year? Some may think resolutions are overrated, but with the right mindset, you can really commit to them.

by Zia Sampson