- A. Earl Potts Alabama Baptist
- AIAC/Judson College
- Alice Dugger
- Board of Aid to Students in Church Related Vocations
- Carrie Anderson Smith
- Claudine Spencer Anderson
- Concord Baptist Church
- Dorothy Simmons Zorn Scholarships
- Drucilla McCollum Outreach Awards
- Edith Allen
- Elizabeth Henderson Engram Scholarship Awards
- Estella Davis Walker Shepherd Scholarship
- Jackie Brunson Crowell
- James A. Branyon, II
- Jeannette Chapman Clift
- John M. and Mary B. Rogers
- Jonnie Dee Riley Little Music Scholarship
- Josie Granberry Ellis Memorial Music Award
- Judson College - Tuition Waiver Exchange Program
- Judson College AWANA Achievers
- Judson College Acteens
- Judson College Alabama Alumnae and Friends
- Judson College Music Scholarships
- Judson College Phi Theta Kappa
- Katherine Arnold Smith Aldridge McCarthy, M.D.
- Katherine McSwean Goode
- Kathleen White Schad Writing Award
- King-McCrummen
- Lawrence Bracey Campbell Music
- Louise Maxwell Brown
- Lucile Davis Harlan
- Mary Whitfield Lee
- Mary Williams Eakes and Marion L. Eakes, Sr.
- May Murfee Anderson
- Minister¿s Dependent Grant
- Miriam Perrin Creel
- P.O. and Margaret Wilson Achievement Scholarship
- Pine Hill Baptist Church/Mrs. Kathleen Davie Godbold
- Sallie McAllister Curb Arnold Art
- Sallie McAllister Curb Arnold Art Contest Award
- Sallie S. Gellerstedt
- Strickland-Holladay
- Theopholis McLeod Jones
- Veachel Y. B. Gibler
- Winifred Lee Ash Memorial