- Airgas - Terry Jarvis Memorial Scholarship
- Airgas-Jerry Baker Scholarship
- Arsham Amirikian Engineering Scholarship
- D. Fred & Marian Bovie Scholarship
- Donald F. Hastings Scholarship
- Donald and Shirley Hastings Scholarship
- Edward J. Brady Memorial Scholarship
- Graduate Fellowship
- Howard E. and Wilma J. Adkins Memorial Scholarship
- Jack R. Barckhoff Welding Management Scholarship
- James A. Turner, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- John C. Lincoln Memorial Scholarship
- Matsuo Bridge Company of Japan Grant
- Miller Electric International Youth Skill Competition Scholarship
- Miller Electric Mfg. Co. Scholarship
- Past Presidents Scholarship
- Praxair International Scholarship
- RWMA Scholarship
- Robert L. Peaslee-Detroit Brazing and Soldering Scholarship
- William A. & Ann M. Brothers Scholarship
- William B. Howell Memorial Scholarship