Scholarship Search

Scholarship Search

Change Makers Scholars

Sponsored by: Elon University


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Students with substantial and broad leadership experiences in their high school and/or communities are competitive candidates for Elon’s Scholars programs. Fifteen Change Makers are selected in each first-year class. The Scholars application will be available Feb. 1 to students who haven’t applied to any other scholarship program OR applied and were not invited to interview. Applicants may apply to up to two Scholars programs. The application deadline is March 1. Decisions will be released March 22. If students applied to another scholarship program, interviewed but were not awarded, the Scholars application will be available no later than April 1. Application deadline will be April 10 and decisions will be released April 18.


Application deadline January 10
Scholarship, grant, fellowship, or contest Scholarship
Awarded every year? yes
Renewable? yes
Must be repaid? no
Required to attend a specific school? yes

Contact Information

Jessie Warren-Vinson
Assistant Director of Financial Planning
Elon University

Official website

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