American College of the Building Arts (SC): students involved in restoration of classic American buildings as well as construction of notable new ones
Barnett Bicycle Institute (CO): bicycle mechanics and materials
Court of Master Sommeliers, Online: certified program for becoming an expert on wine
Landmark College (Putney, VT): serves dyslexic students and others with learning disabilities
Mesa Hotline School (CO): utility company lineman training including classes in transformer connections and roper splicing
Missouri Auction School (MO): includes workshops on antiques, machinery and livestock
Modoc Railroad Academy (CA): training for modern railroad operation
National Polytechnic College of Science (CA): underwater welding/wet welding programs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NY): career-based education and support services
North Bennet Street School (Boston, MA): bookbinding; cabinet and furniture making; carpentry; jewelry making and repair; locksmithing; piano technology; violin making and repair
Oaksterdam University, Oakland College (CA): medical marijuana industry careers
Royal College of Art (UK): automobile design
San Francisco School of Circus Arts (CA): training in recreational, preprofessional, and professional circus arts
Sankey Rodeo School (MO): to become a rodeo clown
Scratch DJ Academy (NY): to become a DJ and music producer
Sideshow School (NY): to become a sideshow performer
Skydive University (FL): coaching and coach training for a skydiver
United Bicycle Institute (OR): bike mechanics and bike framing
United Stuntmen's Association Stunt School (WA): precision driving, weaponry, stair falls, wire work
United World College (NM): for high school students who wish to pursue an international baccalaureate