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Colleges and Universities With the Best Official Websites

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Specialized Institutions

  • Florida Polytechnic University (Lakeland, FL):
    Home page highlight: As a top science and engineering school, Florida Poly prominently features their #1 Best Public College, #2 Best Value Public College, and Top 20 Engineering Programs rankings from U.S. News and World Report on the front page. Visit Florida Poly online!

    What students say: "It is very well organized and easy to navigate."
  • Juilliard School (New York, NY):
    Home page highlight: Juilliard gets right to the heart of what it does best, showcasing features for its music, dance, and drama programs on the front page. Visit Juilliard online!

    What students say: "[It's] easy to navigate and pretty."

Liberal Arts Colleges

  • Belmont University (Nashville, TN):
    Home page highlight: The University highlights its mission statement right on the front page, emphasizing its commitment to transformational learning as a Christian institution. Visit Belmont online!

    What students say: "It is just way [easy] to navigate. Other websites are sometimes difficult to navigate."
  • Franciscan University of Steubenville (Steubenville, OH):
    Home page highlight: The first thing you see on Franciscan's website is an easy-to-navigate section that takes undergraduate, graduate, transfer, international, and online students exactly to the info they need. Visit Franciscan online!

    What students say: "I found all the information I wanted and needed with their well-built website."
  • Grove City College (Grove City, PA):
    Home page highlight: The College's "What will you discover?" section features the best ways to get to know Grove City, including a campus tour and extracurricular highlights. Visit Grove City online!

    What students say: "[They have a] nice chat bot and most of the information is easy to find. [It's] pretty cool."
  • Laramie County Community College (Cheyenne, WY):
    Home page highlight: LCCC wants people to know how students feel about the College, so they feature quotes about their great experiences on campus right on the front page. Visit LCCC online!

    What students say: "They are very organized and all of the information is super easy to find."
  • Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA):
    Home page highlight: Liberty wants students to get hyped about athletics, offering a big feature on winter sports like basketball, hockey, and more on their website home page. Visit Belmont online!

    What students say: "The website is just so organized. It’s so easy to find everything."
  • University of Jamestown (Jamestown, ND):
    Home page highlight: UJ's home page features a Jimmie Voices section with student quotes explaining why they felt the University was the right choice for their futures. Visit Jamestown online!

    What students say: "Very easy to find email contacts and view various parts of the school."

Comprehensive Schools

  • Brigham Young University—Provo (Provo, UT):
    Home page highlight: BYU makes sure students know what's happening on campus and when through their Highlighted Events section on the front page, featuring sporting events, devotionals, and more. Visit BYU online!

    What students say: "It was very easy to navigate and simple, and all of the university information was accessible there."
  • Daemen University (Amherst, NY):
    Home page highlight: The University's website features Scholarship Opportunities right on the front page, making it easy for students to learn more about financial aid at Daemen. Visit Daemen online!

    What students say: "The website is easy to navigate."
  • Illinois State University (Normal, IL):
    Home page highlight: ISU's featured Student Life section not only helps potential students learn how to get involved but also emphasizes the importance of diversity and community on campus. Visit Illinois State online!

    What students say: "It was easy to navigate and the search bar helped me find everything I needed."
  • Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN):
    Home page highlight: Bloomington's "Welcome Home" section makes it easy for students to learn about life at IU, find their application, explore major options, and schedule a campus visit. Visit lU Bloomington online!

    What students say: "It was able to answer all of my admission questions and where [I needed] to go."
  • Keene State College (Keene, NH):
    Home page highlight: The "Find Your Brightest Future" section on Keene's front page shows students where Keene can take them with a video of life on campus and a direct link to get in touch with someone in admission. Visit Keene State online!

    What students say: "You can see pictures of all of the dorms. Education is important, but most people also think that where they are going to be sleeping is equally important."
  • Kent State University (Kent, OH):
    Home page highlight: Kent State's website knows what's important to students, featuring a large front-page notice about the FAFSA and financial aid to help applicants stay on top of deadlines. Visit Kent State online!

    What students say: "Their website is super labeled and allows me to easily find the answers to all my questions, and even the link straight to the Common App to make it easy to apply."
  • New Mexico Highlands University (Las Vegas, NM):
    Home page highlight: The University's "The Highlands Experience" section features graduate profiles that showcase the incredible things NMHU alumni are doing out in the world. Visit NMHU online!

    What students say: "I loved that it was set up so things were easy to find."
  • Salt Lake Community College (Salt Lake City, UT):
    Home page highlight: SLCC's big focus on its front page is making sure potential students know how accessible, affordable, and transferrable their community college education will be. Visit SLCC online!

    What students say: "It is well organized and informative!"
  • Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (Edwardsville, IL):
    Home page highlight: SIU Edwardsville's website is clean and compact, making it easy to find campus news and events, features on what life is like on campus, and more. Visit SIUE online!

    What students say: "It's easy to traverse and easy to search for things. :]"
  • Tarleton State University (Stephenville, TX):
    Home page highlight: Tarleton's home page has two program features, highlighting particularly strong programs of interest for both undergraduate and graduate students. Visit OU online!

    What students say: "It's very easy to navigate through, and you know what to look for when you're on the page."
  • The University of Texas at Arlington (Arlington, TX):
    Home page highlight: UT Arlington's "Our Current Initiatives" features key plans for the University's future, including investing in new faculty, a strategic plan, research opportunities, and more. Visit UTA online!

    What students say: "It is very easy to navigate and find different pages when I need to."
  • University of Central Arkansas (Conway, AR):
    Home page highlight: UCA's "Connect with your Admissions Counselor" section puts a face to student support with features of counselors and their mission to help students find their way to Central Arkansas. Visit UCA online!

    What students say: "The color and the mascot [made their website stand out]."
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC):
    Home page highlight: The "Must-see UNC" section features pictures and videos of campus and the fun things going on there to help potential Tar Heels get a feel for life at Chapel Hill. Visit UNC Chapel Hill online!

    What students say: "[It's] manageable and worth looking at!"
  • University of North Texas (Denton, TX):
    Home page highlight: The website's "Why UNT?" section highlights the benefits of attending the University, including academic, research, affordability, and quality of life. Visit UNT online!

    What students say: "They have a resources navigator where you can easily find website [pages] or perform any application."
  • Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA):
    Home page highlight: The University's "Research at Western" section highlights all the amazing people and projects making a difference on campus and in the world. Visit WWU online!

    What students say: "They have a large variety of majors, and it's not difficult to see what the requirements are on their website. It's really easy to navigate, and I will definitely be applying there."
  • Wichita State University (Wichita, KS):
    Home page highlight: Witchita State's front page highlights their tuition discounts for out-of-state students program, leading to more information about discounts for students from certain states and cities. Visit Wichita State online!

    What students say: "It is more organized than most websites. I was able to answer nearly all of my questions by looking at their website."

Research Universities

  • Arizona State University—Tempe (Tempe, AZ):
    Home page highlight: ASU's "Stories of Excellence" section features noteworthy students, staff, and alumni and what they're doing to gain recognition and better their communities. Visit Arizona State online!

    What students say: "Good labeling on the website and smooth direction to each link."
  • Boise State University (Boise, ID):
    Home page highlight: Boise State features their Idaho LAUNCH program on the front page, a grant program that offers students the opportunity to have 80% of tuition and fees covered for select in-demand career programs. Visit Boise State online!

    What students say: "It looks nice and the colors blend well."
  • Boston University (Boston, MA):
    Home page highlight: The website's "See Yourself at Boston University" section offers students a glimpse into life at BU with a variety of virtual events, programming, and campus tours. Visit BU online!

    What students say: "It has sections for almost everything, and the website diverts into other ones if you're looking for something more specific."
  • Clemson University (Clemson, SC):
    Home page highlight: The website's "Join the Clemson Family" section makes it easy for students to get links for scheduling a campus visit, figuring out tuition costs, and applying for admission. Visit Clemson online!

    What students say: "Easily accessible, and I had no trouble navigating to places I was searching for."
  • Harvard University (Cambridge, MA):
    Home page highlight: Harvard puts its incredible research front and center, with a large feature on the front page about the current strides they're making on real-world problems in health and science. Visit Harvard online!

    What students say: "It’s the cleanest to navigate, and I love that they have student blogs featured directly on their website versus having to search various social media platforms and websites to read about students’ experiences at other schools."
  • Iowa State University (Ames, IA):
    Home page highlight: ISU puts a big emphasis on the campus community on the front page, offering fun facts and highlights in their "The Iowa State University Community" section. Visit Iowa State online!

    What students say: "[It's] easy to navigate!"
  • Montana State University—Bozeman (Bozeman, MT):
    Home page highlight: MSU's Snapshot section features fun facts and images from life on campus to help students get a feel for the Montana State experience from their first impression. Visit MSU online!

    What students say: "The vibrant and complementary colors, straightforward tabs, and the allure of the location itself all add to the attractiveness of the website."
  • Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK):
    Home page highlight: OSU's "What is a land-grant university?" section explains the importance of being a source of research and innovation for the state of Oklahoma. Visit Oklahoma State online!

    What students say: "Their website is super helpful and easy to navigate!"
  • Texas A&M University—College Station (College Station, TX):
    Home page highlight: The website's "What Texas A&M Stands For" section features a video highlighting the University's core values of excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service. Visit Texas A&M online!

    What students say: "Their website is specific and easy to use."
  • The University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK):
    Home page highlight: UO's front page puts a spotlight on the state of Oklahoma, the University's three major campuses, and what makes going to school in the state so life-changing. Visit OU online!

    What students say: "When I got accepted, there was so much confetti all over my screen, and it’s very easy to navigate."
  • University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT):
    Home page highlight: The home page's "UConn Across Connecticut" section makes it easy for students to explore all the University's locations across the state and learn about how far UConn's reach extends. Visit UConn online!

    What students say: "College-spirit wise their website wasn’t too wordy, but it had everything on there you needed to know, and it was easy to navigate through because they have different sections. For example, I didn’t have to go up to the search thing and look for Nursing [because it] was literally at the top."
  • University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY):
    Home page highlight: UK's "By The Numbers" section highlights notable stats that make the University appealing, such as research funds, university rankings, and GPA averages. Visit UK online!

    What students say: "It was easy to navigate!"
  • University of Maryland, College Park (College Park, MD):
    Home page highlight: UMD's home page highlights their Arts For All initiative, which sets out to connect the arts with the sciences, technology, and other disciplines to spark dialogue, understanding, problem-solving, and action across many fields. Visit UMD online!

    What students say: "The ease with which you can find the information [made their website stand out]."
  • University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL):
    Home page highlight: U Miami's Student Stories section showcases what current students are doing on campus and inspires prospective students to act with links to apply, schedule a visit, request info, and learn more about admission. Visit U Miami online!

    What students say: "It is very engaging and easy to navigate."
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Minneapolis, MN):
    Home page highlight: UMN Twin Cities helps people get to know UMN through the "Meet Our #UMNproud Community" section, which showcases the University's Instagram posts right on their website. Visit LCCC online!

    What students say: "They have a good UI, and it is very easy to navigate."
  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, NC):
    Home page highlight: UNC Greensboro's "The Best of UNCG This Week" segment features feel-good stories about what's happening with students on campus right now! Visit UNC Greensboro online!

    What students say: "It’s easy to navigate using hyperlinks."
  • University of Washington, Seattle (Seattle, WA):
    Home page highlight: The University's "#ThisIsUW" section features big stories about what's happening on campus, like discoveries being made by researchers at the Burke Museum. Visit UW online!

    What students say: "[It's] easy to use."
    "[It's] very easy to find information."
  • Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN):
    Home page highlight: The University's front page ensures potential students can find the information they need with their Quick Guide links, leading to admission requirements, majors, tuition, and more. Visit Vanderbilt online!

    What students say: "They have a beautiful website layout and things are easy to find."
  • Washington State University (Pullman, WA):
    Home page highlight: The font page highlights the WSU Difference, emphasizing high numbers for first-gen students, civic engagement hours, research funds, and more. Visit WSU online!

    What students say: "[It] offers a full page detailing how different credits transfer to the University—easy to navigate."
  • William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA):
    Home page highlight: "William & Mary by the Numbers" emphasizes the University's place as a top school for academics, study abroad, internships, and more. Visit W&M online!

    What students say: "It's super easy to navigate to where you need to go!"

Source: CX Student Users

Want more information on how this list was compiled? Find out more about where our Lists & Rankings come from.

About This List

Official college websites are often the first impression students get of colleges and universities. These websites are essential resources for both prospective and current students to find information about academic programs, admission requirements, campus life, tuition, financial aid, and much more. Students conducting the college search can take virtual tours, access application portals, and find contact details for admission counselors to make the admission process seamless. Students can also explore detailed descriptions of majors and minors, faculty profiles, campus news, research opportunities, and extracurricular activities. In short, college websites are invaluable for finding the right college for you.

The colleges and universities you'll find on this list have been recommended by real high school students who think these schools offer the best of the best among official websites. When it comes to learning about your schools of interest, these websites are easy to navigate, appealing to look at, and abundant in helpful information for the college search and admission process. Consider exploring their websites through the visit online links—you never know when a school you've never heard of might make it to your college list!

To explore schools even further, just click on any school name to access its CollegeXpress profile and learn more about admission policies, campus life, and more right here. You can also click the green "Yes, connect me!" buttons next to our featured colleges and universities to demonstrate your interest and send your info directly to schools, making your college search process even easier. (And if you have any more recommendations for this list, contact us and let us know why a school should be added!)

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Forest Grove, OR