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Where Social Sciences PhDs Received Their Undergraduate Degrees

Listed here are colleges ranked in order of the highest number of doctoral degrees per hundred BA/BS degrees, signifying the success of the school in sending its graduates on...

Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges

These schools are nestled together in the quaint Lehigh Valley area of eastern Pennsylvania.

Colleges with Great Course Offerings in Marine Science

Space may be the final frontier, but the ocean is definitely its runner up. It's still teeming with mysteries. The colleges here provide classes and programs in marine, ocean,...

Colleges with Quality Programs in Film Studies

Are you the next Coppola or Spielberg? Can you tell what kind of camera lens a director used without trying? Do your friends refuse to watch movies with you because you can't...

Vegan College Report Card: Schools Receiving an "A"!

Vegan food is all the rage these days, and college campuses are no exception. The folks at peta2 (the college arm of PETA)...

ROTC x 3: Schools With Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC

These schools have all three ROTC military programs.

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Puerto Rico

Thinking about attending college on the Island of Enchantment? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Puerto Rico right here. All schools are...

Colleges That Build Moral Character

These colleges were cited by the John Templeton Foundation for their emphasis on character development as an integral part of the undergraduate experience.

Outstanding Men's Lacrosse Schools

These colleges had the highest number of men's lacrosse championships from 1971-2007.

Where Anthropology PhDs Received Their Undergraduate Degrees

It takes many years and a lot of hard work to earn a doctorate in anthropology. But it all started with an undergraduate degree. Many current PhDs got their start at the...

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Delaware

Thinking about attending college in the great Diamond State? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Delaware right here. All schools are currently...

The Southeastern Conference

The SEC fans love their sports. The conference is one of the most lucrative in the college sports world.

College Cities With Vibrant Music Scenes

Looking for top-notch record stores, late-night venues with quality musicians, and a healthy culture of concerts and performances? These college cities feature a lively music...

Colleges With Strength in Men's Basketball

The teams at these schools aren't a joke. They'll dribble circles around you if you don't watch out.

Four-Year Schools in Idaho with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Gem State accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges they're...