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Haunted Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities often have long and illustrious histories. But those histories can also be marred by tragic events...and subsequent ghostly happenings. The schools on...

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Nevada

Thinking about attending college in the Silver State? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Nevada right here. All schools are currently active and...

Top 25 Leading Destinations of U.S. Study Abroad Students

From the hot beaches of Chile to the busy city streets of China, students sure do know how to get around.

Four-Year Schools in North Carolina with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Tar Heel State accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges they're...

Winning Men's Division I Volleyball Teams

These guys could probably hurdle over you with the air they can get on their vertical jumps. Check out the schools with great men's volleyball teams.

Colleges for Students Interested in Game Design or Video Game Design

If you thought the words "video game" and "studies" didn't belong in the same sentence, think again. Students can pursue Video Game Studies (yeah, it's real!), Interactive...

Military Colleges

You might hear "Drop and give me 20!" before class. No big deal. You're still going to get a great highly structured education.

Member Colleges of the Oak Ridge Consortium

This huge consortium is just for doctorate-granting institutions. Undergraduate schools need not apply.

Kiplinger's Best Values in Public Colleges

These public colleges combine exceptional value with an excellent education. If Kiplinger's says they are the best, then they're the best.

Attendance at Football Games by the Numbers: Top 20 in Division I (FCS)

You'll never see the stands empty at these schools. The numbers listed are the average amount of fans per game in 2017. These schools are formerly known as Division I-AA schools.

Colleges With the Most Fraternities

Whether it's an academic fraternity or an Animal House-like brotherhood, you might find your perfect frat-fit at one of these schools.

Colleges With Strength in Men's Ice Hockey

The men at these colleges can hit the ice, get hit on the ice, and stay on their own two feet, along with much more.

Great Engineering Programs at Small Colleges

Because bigger isn't always better, where should students go for a small college with strength in Engineering? The schools on this list, of course. (A "small" college is...

Rhode Island Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Ocean State.

Top 10 College Radio Stations

These schools literally rock. Their radio stations are the best in the nation.

Associated Colleges of the Midwest

You can get a great education here, doncha know.