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Colleges Providing a Fast Track to Becoming a Doctor

There are colleges that make it easier to become a medical doctor by cutting down the time it takes to get an undergraduate degree and also a medical degree. Some colleges...

Connecticut Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Constitution State.

Attendance at Men's Basketball Games: The Top Conferences

These conferences don't mess around. If you are a part of these conferences, you better have a great turnout, or you'll be the laughing stock of the league. (Average attendance...

Colleges for Students Needing a Second Chance

These colleges all believe in second chances! With collaboration from counseling colleagues, Christie Theriot Woodfin, an educational consultant in Atlanta and expert on...

Colleges to Prepare for a Career in Education

Want to mold little minds? Or know-it-all adolescent minds? Or even full-grown, still-know-it-all minds? Become a teacher by studying Education at one of these schools.

Excellent Colleges In or Near New York City

If bright lights and the big city are what you're after, there's no better place to get them than old New York. Here are great colleges in or near NYC.

Colleges With Strong Surfing Teams

Is riding monster waves your idea of a good time? Isn't it everyone's? These colleges have great surfing teams.

Colleges Celebrating Thanksgiving

Granted, most colleges and campus groups will commemorate Thanksgiving with a little something, whether it's an annual day of service at a local soup kitchen or just more...

Great Colleges for the Liberal Arts

Studying the liberal arts means getting a well-rounded education, preparing you for virtually any other field or graduate studies--including the sciences. Plus, you learn...

10 Radically Innovative Engineering/Science Programs

Engineers are the world's problem solvers, and some of the best in the world got their start at the schools listed here, known for their "cutting-edge science and engineering...

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts

Thinking about attending college in the Bay State? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Massachusetts right here. All schools are currently active...

Campus Pride: The LGBT-Friendly Index

This list is based on the Campus Pride Index for safe, inclusive colleges and universities for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) students. These colleges received high...

The Pacific 12

The Pac-12 possibly has one of the best team names in all of college sports: The Ducks. Have you ever seen angry ducks attack someone? Not a pretty sight.

Colleges Gamers Might Consider

You love video games. We love video games. Learn how to make them at these colleges and universities. FYI, this list is from The College Finder, 2017 edition now available!

Colleges with Strength in Ultimate Frisbee

Sure, at most colleges you'll see kids tossing a Frisbee in the quad. But at these schools, the athletes take Frisbee to an "ultimate" level.