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New Mexico Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Land of Enchantment.

Colleges With Excellent Theater Programs

Most liberal arts and sciences colleges offer courses in theater...after all, it's a common subject. But where can you find college theater departments that go beyond the...

Most Conservative Colleges

Pierced lips and pink hair aren't going to work at these schools. These colleges were named the most conservative by the Young America's Foundation in recent years.

Colleges with Strength in Football: NAIA and Other

Down, set, hike! Take a look at the schools who rock the football field.

Where Female Humanities PhDs Received Their Undergraduate Degrees

Young women considering pursuing a PhD in the humanities can follow in the footsteps of many of their peers at these 10 schools.

Where You Don't Need to Be Needy to Get Financial Aid

Todd Fothergill knows his stuff. He's an expert on financial aid and educational consultant based in New Hampshire. We asked him which schools would give generous merit aid to...

Colleges for Students Interested in Game Design or Video Game Design

If you thought the words "video game" and "studies" didn't belong in the same sentence, think again. Students can pursue Video Game Studies (yeah, it's real!), Interactive...

Sea Grant Schools

You really want to save the whales? Then stop protesting and check out these schools. They have strong programs in the study and conservation of coastal, marine, and Great...

Illinois Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Prairie State

Colleges That Accept Many Students Through Early Decision

If you're an early bird, you should definitely look at these schools. Procrastinator? Maybe go to another list. Listed are the percentage of students who applied early decision...

10 Colleges That Get Greek Life Right

Greek life doesn't have to be all binge drinking, scary hazing, and please-don't-let-that-video-end-up-on-YouTube shenanigans. Of course, a lot of students get involved in...

Colleges with Automotive Programs

These colleges are perfect for any gearhead. They offer courses in such areas as auto engineering, auto technology, vehicle design, automotive marketing, and auto mechanics.

No Loans for Low-Income Students

The schools on this list decided that students with a financial disadvantage shouldn't be stretched to the limit with loans. Sounds like a good idea to us.

Colleges With Strength in Men's Tennis: NAIA and Other

Just because the school is smaller doesn't mean the courts--or the competition--aren't big.

Keeping the Skies Safe: Air Traffic Control Programs

Ground control to Major You. The Federal Aviation Administration doesn't necessarily guarantee jobs to grads from these schools, but it does consider them a "valuable hiring...

Gawker's Top 10 Commencement Speeches

How do you sum up those college years and all the potential of a life yet to be lived? Umm...not easily. But the graduation speakers on this list came pretty close....