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Colleges with Excellent Programs in E-Business

How important is the Internet in modern business? Well, about as important as legs are to walking. These schools train students to use the Internet to create and sustain...

Attendance at Women's Basketball Games: The Top 20 in Division I

These ladies draw a crowd due to their dominance on the court.

Colleges That Offer Studies in the Environment and Sustainability

There are colleges with programs, majors, or minors in fields such as environmental science, sustainability, environmental politics, and environmental change. Most of these...

Four-Year Schools in Florida with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Yellowhammer State accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges...

Colleges for the Student Who Wants to Study Speech Pathology

Everyone has something to just might take a little more time to get some people to say it. Speech pathologists know that better than anyone.

States With the Most International College Students

Apparently, the rest of world shares our love for California too.

Colleges With the Largest Enrollment of Pacific Islander Students

We dug through our database to find the total enrollment of Pacific Islander students at each college.

10 Cool Colleges for Entrepreneurs

If you've ever looked at a company and thought, "I can do better," then you could be an entrepreneur. These universities offer some of the most innovative programs out there...

Liberal Arts Colleges to Consider That Offer Great Sciences

Way back in the 1980s, the presidents of 50 selective liberal arts colleges had a little conference at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. And the Oberlin Group of Liberal Arts...

Where Anthropology PhDs Received Their Undergraduate Degrees

It takes many years and a lot of hard work to earn a doctorate in anthropology. But it all started with an undergraduate degree. Many current PhDs got their start at the...

The Southeastern Conference

The SEC fans love their sports. The conference is one of the most lucrative in the college sports world.

South Carolina Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from the Palmetto State.

Colleges and Universities With Extracurriculars That Students Love

In college, the activities you participate in outside the classroom are just as important as the learning that happens inside the classroom. That's why you should look for a...

Catholic Colleges

Here are the Catholic-affiliated colleges and universities in the United States.

Colleges With Strength in Women's Fencing

Watch out! The women at these schools don't need a man to defend their honor. They'll challenge you to a duel themselves.

Presidents Earning the Most Money at Private Universities

Check out these salaries (as of 2013). You may find yourself considering a career change...