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Colleges with the Highest Percentage of Hispanic Students

We did the research and the math; you just get the facts. You're welcome.

Colleges with the Largest Enrollment of Hispanic Students

We dug through our database to find the total enrollment of Hispanic students at each college.

Community Colleges Enrolling a Large Number of Hispanic Students

Just the facts, pure and simple. We've included the top community colleges with Hispanic students enrolled.

Four-Year Colleges Awarding the Most Bachelor's Degrees to Hispanic Students

Okay, so we got a little carried with statistics on this list. But you benefit! The first number is the total number of degrees awarded to Hispanic students. The second is the...

Four-Year Colleges Enrolling the Most Hispanic Students

Simple facts, but still good stuff to know. We've included the total number and the percentage of Hispanic students enrolled.

Private Four-Year Hispanic-Serving Institutions

These private four-year institutions exhibit a high dedication to Hispanic students and are designated as Hispanic-Serving Institutions for having 25% or more of their...

Public Four-Year Hispanic-Serving Institutions

These public four-year institutions exhibit a high dedication to Hispanic students and are designated as Hispanic-Serving Institutions for having 25% or more of their...

Top 9 Private Colleges Awarding Bachelor's Degrees to Hispanic Students

Here's what you need to know: The first number is the total number of degrees awarded to Hispanic students. The second is the percentage of Hispanic students in the student...