Sometimes college takes a whole lot of faith to get through, and sometimes college gets you through with a whole lot of faith. If you’re looking for amazing Catholic colleges and universities that will support you in your faith and academics, look no further than this list! Here, you can explore institutions in the Midwestern and Western United States that are looking for students just like you. Just click the green “Connect me” buttons below the schools you’re interested in. Each college will then reach out to you with more information. Who knows? You could be on the right path to your academic future!
College of Saint Benedict
The College of Saint Benedict is a church-affiliated liberal arts college in close partnership with Saint John’s University and located in St. Joseph, Minnesota—75 miles north of Minneapolis. With 3,500 undergraduates and a 12:1 student-faculty ratio, the College offers over 60 areas of study with 37 majors and 32 minors. CSB students benefit from Summer Term specifically for internships, research, and international study; 65 clubs and organizations; opportunities through Campus Ministry, including Sunday evening Masses and Faith Communities; and more.
John Paul the Great Catholic University
John Paul the Great Catholic University is a private coeducational institution located in Escondido, California—30 miles northeast of downtown San Diego. The University’s unique academic model combines hands-on projects, mentorship, and portfolio preparation with a Catholic liberal arts education in literature, theology, and philosophy. Opportunities for spiritual growth include daily Mass, confession, adoration, rosary, retreats, and service projects.
Mount Saint Mary’s University
Mount Saint Mary’s University is a church-affiliated liberal arts college in Los Angeles, California. Mount Saint Mary’s is the only women’s Catholic university in the western United States and the only women’s university in Los Angeles, serving 2,600+ women across two campuses and online. Students can choose from more than 30 majors and nearly 50 minors, participate in study abroad and faculty research, and pursue other experiential learning opportunities that complement their classroom studies.
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Saint John’s University
Saint John's University is a church-affiliated liberal arts college in close partnership with the College of Saint Benedict and located in Collegeville, Minnesota—75 miles north of Minneapolis. CSB/SJU share one combined curriculum, with students attending classes and activities together on both campuses, which are connected by a free shuttle service. Students from either school have access to the libraries, dining centers, athletic facilities, Campus Ministry, activities, and resources on both campuses.
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University is a Jesuit Catholic university in St. Louis, Missouri. With nearly 13,000 students on campus and a 9:1 student-faculty ratio, the University offers 90 undergraduates and more than 100 graduate and professional programs. SLU provides nearly 200 student organizations, including the InterFaith Alliance and Java with the Jesuits; events and services through Campus Ministry; opportunities to serve, including mission trips; and more.
Want to attend college in another part of the country? Check out this list of Great Catholic Colleges and Universities in the Northeast and South.