Oberlin College

Oberlin, OH

Oberlin College

Oberlin, OH

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Undergrad Science & Engineering Health & Medicine Performing Arts

Science & Engineering Profile

Working at the forefront of knowledge—from the laboratory to the world

Oberlin College is a national leader in educating undergraduate scientists. Our curriculum provides a strong foundation in core disciplines alongside emerging fields in energy technology, computational modeling, and behavioral ecology. Students work directly with faculty on the most important ethical and scientific problems of our time, from climate change to artificial intelligence.

Hands-on research and collaboration
Research opportunities at Oberlin rival those found in graduate schools, as faculty invite students into their laboratories, but unlike at bigger schools, undergraduates are encouraged to take a central role in research, often co-publishing their findings with a professor. Oberlin’s emphasis on active learning helps all students thrive. Whether assisting with a prospectus or a problem set, our faculty work closely with students so they gain an understanding of key scientific concepts.

Get into the field
At Oberlin, science is more than just observation and measurement. It's learning to understand the processes that unfold around us every day. Our students have assisted with scientific fieldwork across the globe in Indonesia, South Africa, Japan, and Central America. Closer to campus, our students learn from field trips to nearby ecological sites including the Vermillion River Watershed and Lake Erie.

Find your cohort
Oberlin is committed to developing disciplined, engaged scientists from a wide range of identities and backgrounds. The STRONG program (Science & Technology Research Opportunities for a New Generation) represents Oberlin College’s commitment to increasing the diversity of the STEM workforce. We believe that promoting diversity in scholarship yields more relevant and meaningful discoveries.


An ideal location

In a quintessential college town in the heart of the Midwest, our picturesque location provides both small-town charm and safety. It gives us a lot of room to breathe and the freedom to explore and apply new ideas. Whether on campus, in Oberlin, or nearby Cleveland, you'll find expansive offerings of cultural, social, and service programming.

Oberlin Sciences at a Glance

Resources & Recognition
15 curricular pathways
100+ laboratory classes per year
24 Oberlin graduates belong to the National Academy of Sciences
• Named the #1 Liberal Arts College for Future PhDs

Science Programs
Cognitive Science
Computer Science
Data Science
Environmental Studies
Global Health
Statistical Modeling

An Inside Look

What students are saying about us...

  • “The immense support of my research mentor, Professor Gunnar Kwakye, and other mentors within the Departments of Chemistry and Neuroscience made my academic and experiential learning at Oberlin exceptional.”

    • Paul Kamitsuka '22
      Recipient of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship
  • “Not only are my teachers brilliant at what they do, they’re some of the most compassionate and supportive people I know. They’ve offered me invaluable guidance and pushed me in new creative directions that have ultimately made me a better artist and better human being.”

    • Josh Augustin ’20