University of Austin

Austin, TX

University of Austin

Austin, TX

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Undergrad Science & Engineering

Dare to Think. Dare to Build.

At the University of Austin, we fearlessly pursue truth. Our rigorous curriculum champions civil discourse and intellectual risk-taking. We teach students how, not what, to think.

UATX values the wisdom of the past and the transformative power of ideas. We foster an environment of intellectual freedom and pluralism and cultivate a community based on the lively clash of ideas and opinions. The University is committed to excellence in both scholarship and action. 

Our students are prepared to:
• Pursue meaningful and fulfilling lives
• Exercise responsible, active, and informed citizenship
• Lead with outstanding character, ability, and vision

The UATX Curriculum
Education at UATX is powered by the great productive tensions of human life: reason and revelation, tradition and innovation, freedom and necessity, and the majesty and humility of man. We believe the most fruitful innovations spring from a thoughtful engagement with tradition, and that how we live is the ultimate measure of what we know.

Intellectual Foundations
UATX’s undergraduate curriculum provides a dynamic and intensive education, beginning with the Intellectual Foundations Program, where freshmen and sophomores engage with timeless questions and foundational works to cultivate sound judgment and understanding. 

Centers of Inquiry
In their junior and senior years, students specialize in interdisciplinary academic centers and participate in intellectually rigorous and purpose-driven courses. Our Centers of Inquiry are:
• Arts and Letters
• Economics, Politics, and History
• Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Polaris Program
The four-year Polaris Program, named for the North Star that has guided navigators for millenia, requires students to design and undertake a significant project that meets a pressing human need. This endeavor gives direction to students’ undergraduate experience and helps them develop essential knowledge and skills for success, both personally and professionally.

Student life
Students may exercise significant responsibility by: serving in student government; participating in regular campus-wide town halls; starting or leading extracurricular clubs, organizations, and other initiatives; and building the traditions that will define the college experience for generations of future graduates.


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