Covenant College
Lookout Mountain, GA
Lookout Mountain, GA
In all things Christ preeminent.
The focus of Covenant College is found in our motto, based on Colossians 1:18, "In all things Christ preeminent."
Acknowledging Christ as the creator of all things, as the redeemer of people fallen into sin, as the touchstone of all truth, and as the sovereign ruler over all areas of life, the College strives to discern and to unfold the implications of His preeminence in all things.
We are committed to excellence in academic inquiry, and we seek to define all areas of the College's structure and program according to this understanding of our purpose.
Chapel is a place where students encounter Jesus together and are nurtured in their love for Jesus Christ and His gospel. We disciple, mentor, and counsel students, and have the honor of calling our community together every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11:00 a.m. for chapel.
Chapel is one of the great privileges of the Covenant College experience and is integral to our mission to encourage students in their understanding, submission to, and delight in the preeminence of Jesus Christ in all things.
“Covenant is equipping me with the critical-thinking skills I need to succeed in life. My classes are directly relevant to my career options and are truly engaging.”
“The professors at Covenant genuinely care about us as students. It’s very encouraging to see your professors on campus and have them know your name.”
“I enjoy learning about government systems around the world while looking at them through the lens of Scripture. At its core, political science is a picture of broken systems run by broken people who are in desperate need of a savior.”
“My hallmates encouraged me to study when I felt lazy, to rest when I felt overwhelmed, and to remember that I’m a queen when I felt less than that.”