Angelo State University

San Angelo, TX

Angelo State University

San Angelo, TX

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Go far. Go together. Go as a Ram.

Angelo State University is the premier regional university of West Texas. Our mission places students first. We boast small classes taught by professors who provide hands-on, experiential learning. These educational experiences mean your applications for graduate school, medical school, professional school, and jobs will show much more experience than students from larger universities. With one of the largest endowed scholarship programs in the nation, Angelo State awards 45% of our students with Distinguished Scholarships. Factoring in our financial aid packages, the University provides over 94% of our students with some type of aid, ensuring that they graduate with as little debt as possible. For 2022-2023, we awarded over $65 million through scholarships, grants, and other aid programs. From cutting-edge technology and new facilities to a diverse campus life and supportive Ram Family, you’ll be prepared to impact your family, state, nation, and world.


Colleges of Distinction Badge

For the sixth straight year, Angelo State University has been named a national “College of Distinction” by the Colleges of Distinction

HSI badge

ASU has been designated a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) by the US Department of Education since 2010

ETC badge

Angelo State University has been ranked among the best schools in Texas for educating students during the COVID-19 pandemic by Educate to Career.


Residence Halls are ranked Top 10 in the 2020 Best College Dorms in Texas.


Ranked by The Princeton Review as one of the nation’s “Best Colleges” every year since 2010.

We understand that paying for college is a big deal.

At Angelo State, we’re committed to making your college experience one of the best investments you’ll ever make. We’ll provide you with a high-quality education at a cost that will help you graduate in four years (or less!) with as little debt as possible.

Nine out of 10 Angelo State students receive some form of financial aid. You may be eligible to receive one or more types of financial aid. Options include gift aid, which does not have to be repaid, and aid you will need to earn or pay back.

Distinguished Scholarship Programs

ASU Distinguished Scholarships are available exclusively to ASU students, and they are awarded based on your ACT or SAT score and your high school GPA. Learn more about the Distinguished Scholarship Program.

An Inside Look

What students are saying about us...

  • “Angelo State feels like home. The Ram Fam is very united. Here, we’re a family.”

    • Eduardo Aguirre Serrata
  • “At ASU, I feel like whoever I go to will care about me and what I have to say. I feel loved, cared for, supported, and treasured. I feel like what I do matters.”

    • Aly Flores
  • “People at Angelo State accept all different cultures because we’re a super-diverse school. People don’t care what you look like or what you do but get to know who you are as a person. That’s pretty cool.”

    • J.D. Raggio
  • "At ASU, I was able to find the resources and people to help answer my questions. If it weren’t for the staff, I probably wouldn’t be where I am right now.”

    • Beatrice Perez